SKU: BST-498

Silver investment coin worth 10 euros for the 100th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic

50.00 €

Coin Details

Author: acad. sculpture. Zbyněk Fojtů

Material: Ag 900, Cu 100

Weight: 18 g

Diameter: 34 mm

Edge: linden leaves

Manufacturer: Kremnica Mint

Engraver: Filip Čerťaský


3,250 units in the regular version

7,550 in proof version

Emission: 23/10/2018

Silver collector coin worth 10 euros Silver collector coin worth 10 euros for the 100th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic

The Czechoslovak Republic was proclaimed in Prague on October 28, 1918. Slovaks signed up to it two days later, on October 30, 1918, at the founding meeting of the newly formed Slovak National Council in Martin. Representatives of the foreign and domestic resistance in the Czech countries and Slovakia contributed to the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic with their activities during the First World War. Credit goes mainly to Tomáš Garrigu Masaryk, who became its first president, and his two main collaborators, Milan Rastislav Štefánik and Edvard Beneš. The establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic is one of the most significant landmarks in the historical development of Slovakia. After decades of restrictions in Hungary, Slovaks gained space for full-fledged and versatile national development, which enabled them to definitively shape themselves into a modern European nation.


The central coat of arms of the Czechoslovak Republic is shown on the obverse of the coin. In the foreground to the left of him is the national emblem of the Slovak Republic and to the right the designation of the nominal value of the 10 EURO coin. In the upper part of the coin field is the name of the state SLOVAKIA. Above it is the year 2018. The Kremnica Mint mark, which consists of the abbreviation MK placed between two stamps and the stylized initials of the author of the coin's design, akad. sculpture. Zbyňka Fojtů ZF are in the lower part of the coin field.

Reverse side:

The reverse of the coin shows a map of the Czechoslovak Republic. Below it is the legionary emblem used by the Czechoslovak legions during the First World War, which is complemented by linden twigs on both sides. Above the map, the date OCTOBER 28, 1918 is indicated in two lines. Near the edge of the coin, the inscription ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC is written in the description.